
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Unity is the fruit of Diversity

2,000 years ago the Creator faced a challenge.  He wanted the world to know about the death and resurrection of his Son.  At that time there were Jews from ALL over the known world in Jerusalem but they did not speak the same language.  The Creator had 2 options.  He could have either allowed EVERYONE to speak Hebrew or Greek.  Or He could have allowed the disciples to speak the languages of the Nations.  He chose the latter.

If the Creator wanted, he could have established an assimilated language and culture for his Church right there.  But he didn't.  He instead chose to embed cultural and linguistic diversity deep into the DNA of his Body!  Thereby assuring a vibrant and uniquely gifted Church, but also one that would constantly be in need of reconciliation. 

I praise God for Pentecost Sunday.  It reminds me, and hopefully the rest of the Church, that the Creator cares deeply about our cultures and languages.  And from the beginning He intended for his body to be diverse. 

We are not ONE because we are all the same.  If that were true there would be no reason for the Head (Christ).  But instead each part is uniquely different and we are completely dependent upon Christ.  For it is the Head that unifies the Body.

Jesus ahe'hee'.

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